Compounded medication is formulated in a dosage that is right for you and your needs, rather than trying to be a one-type-fits-all medication. Because you are unique, your medicine should be, too.
Durable Medical Equipment
We carry a wide selection of home medical equipment, designed to improve the quality of life and promote independence for our patients. As an accredited pharmacy, we have the expertise to counsel you on what Medicare, Medicaid, or other insurances cover.
Immunizations & Vaccinations
Pharmacists will administer flu shots, pneumococcal shots, shingles shots and many travel vaccines, in the pharmacy. Your pharmacist can help you determine which immunizations you and your family might need. Please stop by the pharmacy or call ahead to make an appointment.
Smoking Cessation
R&R Pharmacists can now prescribe all smoking cessation drugs. We offer support throughout the entire process to help you succeed. Quit smoking today!
Compliance Packaging
With request or special need, we can fill unit dose cards to assure the correct use of the prescribed medication & time. This program helps those who take many prescriptions multiple times daily but also assists caregivers, simplifying your and your patient's daily regiment.
Pharmacogentic Testing
Rxight is simple, affordable and the most comprehensive DNA drug sensitivity program available. Rxight covers over 200 prescription and OTC medications, and as such allows prescribers to incorporate an individual’s genetic profile to make better and more informed medication therapy decisions.
We are an independent, local, family owned pharmacy that wants to help you, because that' s what neighbors do.
Mailed directly to you
Delivered to your door step
Save time and trips to the pharmacy